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January 22
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of the prophecy, and keep the things that are written therein. — Rev 1:3
Father of light! to thee I call,
My soul is dark within:
Thou who canst mark the sparrow’s fall,
Avert the death of sin,
Thou who canst guide the wandering star,
Who calm’st the elemental war,
Whose mantle is yon boundless sky,
My thoughts, my words, my crimes forgive;
And since I soon must cease to live,
Instruct me how to die.
— Lord Byron.
Knowledge, whether it descend from divine inspiration or spring from human sense, would soon perish and vanish to oblivion if it were not preserved in books, traditions, conferences, and places appointed.
— Francis Bacon.
Almighty God, I would have thy counsel as I read the words and follow the deeds of helpful lives, that I may be inspired to nobler activities. Give me the desire to know more of thy holy word, that I may have a better knowledge of life. Amen.