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January 13
For we are God's fellow workers: ye are God's husbandry, God's building. — 1 Cor 3:9
Have thy soul feel the universal breath
With which all nature’s quick, and learn to be
Sharer in all that thou dost touch or see;
Break from thy body’s grasp thy spirit’s trance;
Give thy soul air, thy faculties expanse;
Love, joy, even sorrow,—yield thyself to all!
They make thy freedom, groveling, not thy thrall.
Knock off the shackles which thy spirit bind
To dust and sense, and set at large the mind!
Then move in sympathy with God’s great whole,
And be like man at first, a Living Soul.
— Richard Henry Dana.
I was deeply impressed by what a gardener once said to me concerning his work. “I feel, sir,” he said, “when I am growing the flowers or rearing the vegetables, that I am having a share in creation.” I thought it a very noble way of regarding his work.
— J.H. Jowett.
Creator of all, help me to see what there is for me to do; and help me to know that I cannot be productive if I am hovering in the choice of my work. May I learn from thy great works of heaven and earth the ways of selection and steadfastness. Give me the desire to work and the confidence that is needed to carry on my work. Amen.