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September 6

Who shall roll us away the stone? — Mark 16:3

The love of the women friends of Jesus shines out very brightly in all the story.

He had healed and blessed them, and they followed Him from Galilee, ministering to Him, doing things for Him. They watched by His cross and wept by His grave. They had no hope or thought of His resurrection, but they loved on in their bitter disappointment, and sought to honor His body as it lay in the grave. They were sorely disappointed when they found it not in the grave! Their disappointment was the world’s hope.

The good news the angel told them quieted their fears, and dried their tears, and they went forth to be the first messengers of the resurrection.

It is interesting that Christ’s first appearance was to a woman, one who loved most because she had been blessed most.

The appearances of the forty days left all the disciples convicted that their Lord had risen indeed, and now believers all over the world rejoice in a living Saviour.

Mornings With God - September 6

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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