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May 23

Once, as the Israelites were burying a man, suddenly they saw a band of raiders, so they threw the man’s body into Elisha’s tomb. And as soon as his body touched the bones of Elisha, the man was revived and stood up on his feet. — 2 Kgs 13:21 BSB

This was certainly a miracle. It illustrates the truth that a good person’s influence lives on after them.

There’s a story about an old monk who was shipwrecked on a deserted island. He had a package of seeds, which he scattered across the barren land. He died there, but twenty years later, people came to the island and found it covered with harvests and fruit trees, the result of the seeds the monk had planted.

In the same way, those who live well leave behind seeds of beauty wherever they go.

There’s a legend about the Empress Helena searching for the true cross. Three crosses were found, and they placed a dead body on each. When the body touched the true cross, it came back to life. Although this is only a legend, it illustrates a truth: the power of Christ always brings life and healing.

Mornings With God - May 23

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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