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May 21

Then the man of God sent word to the king of Israel: “Be careful passing by this place, for the Arameans are going down there.” — 2 Kgs 6:9 BSB

Nothing is hidden from God. We are told that the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation. Here is an example of this. The Lord knew about the plans of the king of Syria to trap the king of Israel. He revealed these plans to Elisha, who in turn warned the king of Israel about the ambush, allowing him to escape the danger.

The Bible offers us many such warnings. It tells us where it is not safe to go, for Satan walks those paths.

There’s a fable about a magical ring worn by a prince. The ring gently clasped his finger when he was walking on the right paths but stung him sharply when he was in danger of choosing the wrong ones.

That’s what our conscience does. If we paid attention to our conscience’s warnings, we’d never end up in dangerous places, unless duty required us to go, and in those cases, God would protect us, for He always takes care of those He sends.

Mornings With God - May 21

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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