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January 19
When Jesus heard about John, He withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. But the crowds found out about it and followed Him on foot from the towns. — Matt 14:13 BSB
Jesus loved John the Baptist and was deeply grieved when he died. He sought a quiet place to be alone with God for comfort. He also wanted His disciples to rest because He knew they were tired. This shows Jesus’ care for His friends. He knows when we are weary, when our work is too much, and when our days are too long.
When Jesus arrived at the secluded place, He found a large crowd waiting. Even though He was tired, He didn’t turn them away. Instead, He gave up His rest to help them and meet their needs.
The value of a person’s life is measured by how many people need them. We often say that Christ is the one who meets people’s needs, but He works through us. The only hands He has for His work of love are our hands. The only bread He has to feed hungry people is the bread in our baskets. “You give them something to eat.”