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May 9


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. — Eph 1:3 BSB

All the goodness of the past, present, and future—Christ pours out on His people.

In the mysterious ages of the past, Jesus was His Father’s first elect, and by His election, He gave us a share in His destiny, for we were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world. He had, from all eternity, the privilege of being the only-begotten and beloved Son, and through His grace, He has elevated us to sonship as well. By adoption and regeneration, He has given us “the power to become children of God.” The eternal covenant, based on His role as our surety and confirmed by God’s oath, belongs to us, providing strong consolation and security. Throughout the whole of predestined history, Jesus’ eye has been on us, and we can rest assured that in the grand design of destiny, there is not a single line that opposes the well-being of His redeemed people.

The great engagement of the Prince of Glory is for us, for He is betrothed to us, a reality that will be declared to all the universe at the coming of His sacred wedding. The incredible incarnation of God, with all its condescension and humility, is ours. The bloody sweat, the scourging, and the cross—they are ours forever! All the blissful consequences of His perfect obedience, His completed atonement, His resurrection, ascension, and ongoing intercession are ours by His gift!

Right now, He bears our names on His breastplate as He intercedes at the throne, remembering us and pleading for us. His authority over every principality and power, His majesty in heaven, are employed for the benefit of those who trust Him. His exalted state is as much for our good as His humble condition was when He walked this earth. The One who gave Himself for us in His deepest suffering and death has not withdrawn His generosity now that He reigns in the highest heaven!


Come, my beloved, let us go to the countryside; let us spend the night among the wildflowers. Let us go early to the vineyards to see if the vine has budded, if the blossom has opened, if the pomegranates are in bloom—there I will give you my love. — Song 7:11-12 BSB

The church was preparing for significant work and desired the company of her Lord. She did not say, “I will go,” but “let us go.” How blessed it is to labor when Jesus is by our side! It is the calling of God’s people to care for His vines. Just as Adam and Eve were placed in the garden for useful work, so we too are sent out into the fields for meaningful labor.

When the church is in a healthy spiritual state, she desires communion with Christ in all her endeavors. Some people believe they cannot serve Christ actively and maintain fellowship with Him at the same time, but this is a misunderstanding. It’s true that one can easily neglect their spiritual life while becoming overly busy with outward activities, as the spouse in the Song of Solomon lamented, “They made me keeper of the vineyards, but my own vineyard I have not kept.” However, this should not be the case—it’s only our own neglect or lack of wisdom that causes this imbalance.

It’s also true that someone can be inactive and still become lifeless in their spiritual walk. Mary was not praised for merely sitting still; she was praised for sitting at Jesus’ feet. Likewise, Christians should not neglect their duties under the guise of having private fellowship with Jesus. It’s not inactivity but sitting at Jesus’ feet that is commendable. Activity, when done rightly, is a great blessing and a means of grace. Paul called it a grace to be allowed to preach, and every form of Christian service can be a personal blessing to those involved in it. Those who have the closest fellowship with Christ are not isolated from the world but are often the most diligent laborers, toiling for Jesus with Him right beside them. They are workers together with God. So, let us remember that whatever we do for Jesus, we can and should do it in close communion with Him.

Morning and Evening - May 9

Public domain content taken from Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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