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May 5
What agreement can exist between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will dwell with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be My people.” — 2 Cor 6:16 BSB
What a sweet title: “My people!” And what a comforting revelation: “Their God!” How much meaning is packed into those two words, “My people!”
Here is a sense of special belonging. The whole world is God’s—Heaven and earth are His, and He rules over all humanity. But among all, He has chosen a specific group to be His own. He calls them “My people” in a special way—those whom He has redeemed and purchased for Himself.
In this title, there is the idea of ownership. In a unique and personal way, “the Lord’s portion is His people; Jacob is the lot of His inheritance.” While all nations are under His control, His chosen people are His prized possession. He has done more for them than for others. He bought them with His own blood, brought them near to Himself, set His great heart upon them, and has loved them with an everlasting love—a love that cannot be quenched by many waters and will never fade, no matter how much time passes.
Dear friends, can you see yourself among them by faith? Can you look up to heaven and say, “My Lord and my God—mine by the sweet relationship that allows me to call You Father—mine by the cherished fellowship I enjoy when You reveal Yourself to me in ways that You do not reveal to the world?”
Can you read the Scriptures and find there the evidences of your salvation? Can you see your title to heaven written in the precious blood of Christ? Can you, by humble faith, cling to the hem of His garment and say, “My Christ”? If so, then God says of you, and others like you, “My people.” If God is your God and Christ is your Savior, you are the recipient of special, unique grace. You are the object of His love, chosen and accepted in His beloved Son!
Whoever heeds instruction will find success, and blessed is he who trusts in the LORD. — Prov 16:20 BSB
Wisdom is man’s true strength, and under its guidance, he best fulfills the purpose of his life. Handling the matters of life wisely brings the richest satisfaction and offers the noblest use of his abilities, allowing him to experience the fullest good. Without wisdom, man is like a wild donkey’s colt, running aimlessly, wasting energy that could be put to better use. Wisdom is the compass by which man navigates the uncertain seas of life. Without it, he is like an abandoned ship, tossed about by the winds and waves.
In a world like ours, a man must be prudent, or he will find himself caught in countless troubles. The traveler in the wilderness of life will injure himself if he doesn’t tread carefully among the thorns. One journeying through a land infested with dangers must proceed with caution if he hopes to travel safely. If we are trained by the Great Teacher and follow where He leads, we will find good, even in this dark world. Celestial fruits can still be gathered on this side of Eden, and songs of paradise can still be sung in the groves of this earth.
But where can we find this wisdom? Many have dreamed of it but have never possessed it. Where can we learn it? Let us listen to the voice of the Lord, for He has revealed the secret: “Whoever trusts in the Lord—happy is he.” The true way to handle life wisely is to trust in the Lord. This is the key to navigating life’s most complicated paths. Follow it, and you will find eternal joy. The one who trusts in the Lord receives wisdom directly from the hand of God—he is happy now and will be even happier in the life to come. Lord, in this quiet evening hour, walk with me in the garden of my heart and teach me the wisdom of faith.