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January 30


As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, move quickly, because this will mean that the LORD has marched out before you to strike the camp of the Philistines. — 2 Sam 5:24 BSB

The members of Christ’s Church should always be in prayer, seeking the anointing of the Holy Spirit, asking that Christ’s kingdom would come and His will be done on earth, just like it is in heaven. But there are special times when God seems to show extra favor, and during those seasons, we should be even more prayerful and diligent, working harder at the throne of grace. When God moves, we should move too. The tide is high—now is the time to row with all our strength. Oh, for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit like at Pentecost, and for us to work with that same passion!

Christian, there are also moments in your own life when you feel a special closeness to God, times when you sense “the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees.” This is when your prayers are powerful, when God’s Spirit fills you with joy and clarity, and when the Scriptures come alive. These are the times to push forward, to get rid of any sin that holds you back while God strengthens you. Raise your sail, and remember the song you sing: “I can only raise the sail; You alone can send the wind.” Make sure your sail is up and ready for God’s wind to carry you forward. Ask for His help to stay strong in faith and steady in prayer. When He draws you near, don’t waste the opportunity—press on closer to Him.


In Him we were also chosen as God’s own, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything by the counsel of His will, — Eph 1:11 BSB

When Jesus gave Himself for us, He gave us all the blessings and privileges that come with Him. As eternal God, He holds rights beyond any creature’s reach. But as our Mediator and Head of the covenant of grace, His inheritance includes us. All the benefits of His obedience and sacrifice belong to everyone who is in Him.

He didn’t enter glory for Himself alone. It’s written, “Where the forerunner has entered for us” (Hebrews 6:20). Does He stand in God’s presence? “He appears in the presence of God for us” (Hebrews 9:24). Think about this, believer: You have no right to heaven in yourself—your right lies entirely in Christ. If you are forgiven, it’s through His blood. If you are justified, it’s through His righteousness. If you are made holy, it’s because Christ is your sanctification. If you are kept from falling, it’s because you are preserved in Him. If you are perfected in the end, it will be because you are complete in Him.

So, Christ is magnified in all of this, for everything comes through Him and by Him. And your inheritance is secure because He holds it. Every blessing is sweeter, and even heaven itself shines brighter, because Jesus is there, and we have all things in Him.

Who can truly measure our portion in Christ? Can we weigh the riches of Christ or count the treasures He shares with His people? Try to fathom the depth of Christ’s joy and you might begin to understand the incredible future God has prepared for those who love Him! But you’ll never reach the limit of Christ’s possessions, and you’ll never find the boundary of the inheritance He has for us. “All things are yours, for you are Christ’s!”

Morning and Evening - January 30

Public domain content taken from Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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