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February 9


So David inquired of the LORD, who answered, “Do not march straight up, but circle around behind them and attack them in front of the balsam trees. — 2 Sam 5:23 BSB

When David asked this question, he had just fought the Philistines and won a great victory. The Philistines came in large numbers, but with God’s help, David easily defeated them. Yet, when they came back again, David didn’t assume victory or rush into battle without first seeking God’s direction. Although he had already won a battle, he didn’t take it for granted that he would win again. He didn’t think, “I’ve done this before; I’ll be victorious again. No need to ask God.” Instead, David sought God’s will, asking, “Shall I go up against them?” He waited until God gave him the sign to proceed.

Learn from David to take no step without God’s guidance. Christian, if you want to know the right path, let God be your compass. If you are steering through rough waters, put the helm in God’s hands. Many dangerous obstacles could be avoided if we let our heavenly Father guide us. As a wise Puritan once said, “Whenever a Christian carves for himself, he’s likely to cut his own fingers.” Another wise teacher said, “He who walks ahead of God’s providence is on a fool’s errand.” If we follow God’s leading, we’ll avoid many troubles. But if we run ahead of Him, we’ll soon find ourselves trying to backtrack. God promises, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go.” So, take all your decisions to Him and ask, “Lord, what do you want me to do?” Don’t leave your room this morning without first seeking God’s direction.


And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.’ — Luke 11:4 BSB

Whatever we are taught to seek or avoid in prayer, we should also strive for in action. Therefore, we should be diligent in avoiding temptation, making every effort to walk carefully in the path of obedience so we don’t give Satan an opportunity to tempt us. We shouldn’t go looking for danger or risk encountering the enemy unnecessarily. Temptation may come our way, but we should never go searching for it. To do so would be foolish and costly. If temptation finds us, we can pray for deliverance, but we should never deliberately put ourselves in harm’s way.

Jesus, who knew the power of temptation, gave His disciples this strong warning: “Pray that you don’t enter into temptation.” But even if we do everything we can to avoid it, temptation will come; that’s why we also pray, “Deliver us from evil.” God had one Son without sin, but no one has been spared from temptation. As sure as sparks fly upward, trouble will find us, and Christians are certain to face temptation.

We must always be on guard, because the enemy is like a thief who strikes when we least expect it. Those who’ve faced temptation know that certain times and seasons are more dangerous than others, much like the cold winds that blow in certain months. We need to be extra watchful during these times to avoid falling into the enemy’s traps. It’s better to be well-prepared and avoid the fight altogether than to enter into battle, even if we emerge victorious. So, tonight, pray first that you won’t be tempted, and second, that if temptation comes, you will be delivered from the evil one.

Morning and Evening - February 9

Public domain content taken from Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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