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April 6


Therefore let us go to Him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace He bore. — Heb 13:13 BSB

Jesus, carrying His cross, went outside the gate to suffer. The Christian leaves the camp of the world’s sin and false religion, not because we want to stand out, but because Jesus did, and His disciples must follow Him. Christ was “not of this world,” and His life and message stood as a constant protest against conforming to it. Even though no one ever loved humanity more than He did, He was still “separate from sinners.”

Likewise, Christ’s followers must go out to Him. We must take our stand “outside the camp” as witnesses to the truth. This path is not easy—it is straight and narrow, and requires boldness, courage, and a heart that loves Christ above all. We must love Him first and His truth next, placing both above anything the world offers.

Jesus also calls His people to go outside the camp for their own spiritual growth. You cannot grow in grace if you conform to the world. A life of separation may be difficult, but it is the path of safety. Though this life may bring daily struggles and sorrows, it is also filled with the joy of being a soldier of Christ. Jesus reveals Himself so sweetly to His warriors that they experience more peace in their daily battles than others do in their moments of rest. The path of holiness is the path of communion with Christ. If we faithfully follow Him “outside the camp,” divine grace will lead us to the crown of glory. The momentary shame of this life will be nothing compared to the eternal honor that awaits. A brief time of witness-bearing will seem like nothing when we are “forever with the Lord.”


They swarmed around me like bees, but they were extinguished like burning thorns; in the name of the LORD I cut them off. — Ps 118:12 BSB

By His death, our Lord Jesus didn’t purchase a part of us—He bought all of us. His sacrifice was made to sanctify us entirely—spirit, soul, and body—so that He might reign over every part of us, without any rivals. It is the duty of the new nature that God has given to the regenerate to assert the rights of Jesus over every area of our lives.

My soul, as a child of God, you must bring the rest of yourself into submission to Jesus. You must bring every part of your being under the gracious rule of Christ. Never be satisfied until Jesus, who is King by right, is also King by willing coronation and reigns in every corner of your heart!

Since sin has no rightful claim on us, we are engaged in a just and holy war when we strive, in the name of God, to cast it out. O my body, you are a member of Christ—shall I allow you to serve the prince of darkness? O my soul, Christ has paid the price for your sins—shall I let my memory store up evil, or my passions become flames of iniquity? Shall I let my judgment be swayed by falsehood or my will be chained by sin? No, my soul, you belong to Christ, and sin has no claim over you!

Be brave, Christian! Don’t be discouraged, as though your spiritual enemies could never be defeated. You can overcome them—not by your own strength (for even the weakest of them would be too strong for you)—but you can and will conquer them through the blood of the Lamb. Don’t say, “How can I defeat them, for they are stronger than I am?” Go to the Strong One for strength. Wait humbly upon God, and the mighty God of Jacob will come to your aid. You will sing of victory through His grace!

Morning and Evening - April 6

Public domain content taken from Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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