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April 27


The earth has yielded its harvest; God, our God, blesses us. — Ps 67:6 BSB

It’s strange how little we use the spiritual blessings God freely gives us, but it’s even stranger how little we make use of God Himself. Though He is “our own God,” we seldom turn to Him or ask much of Him. How rarely do we seek His counsel in our decisions! How often do we try to carry our burdens alone instead of casting them on the Lord, who is eager to sustain us! This isn’t because we can’t rely on Him, for the Lord constantly invites us, saying, “I am yours—come and make use of Me as you will. You are welcome to My store, and the more often you come, the more welcome you are.” If we don’t draw on the riches of our God, it’s our own fault.

Since we have such a Friend who invites us so freely, let’s draw from Him every day. We should never lack anything when we have God to go to, and we should never fear or grow faint-hearted when we have God’s help. Go to your heavenly treasure house and take what you need—He has everything you could ever want. Learn the art of making God your all in all. He can supply all your needs, or even better, He can be all that you need. So, let me urge you to make use of God. Go to Him in prayer. Seek Him constantly because He is your God. Why neglect such a privilege? Fly to Him, share all your needs with Him. Use Him at all times by faith. If some dark providence has cast a shadow over your life, look to God as your “sun”; if a powerful enemy threatens you, rely on God as your “shield,” for He is a sun and shield to His people. If you’ve lost your way in life, use Him as your “guide,” for He will direct you. Wherever you are, whatever you need, remember that God is exactly what you need, right where you need Him, and He can do all you need.


The LORD is King forever and ever; the nations perish from His land. — Ps 10:16 BSB

Jesus Christ isn’t a tyrant claiming power by divine right—He is truly the Lord’s anointed! “It has pleased the Father that in Him should all fullness dwell.” God has given Him all power and authority. As the Son of Man, He is now the head over all things to His church, and He reigns over heaven, earth, and hell, holding the keys to life and death. Some rulers have taken pride in being called kings by the will of the people, and our Lord Jesus is certainly King by the will of His people. If the question were put to a vote, every believing heart would crown Him without hesitation. Oh, that we could crown Him more gloriously than we do! We would count no cost too great if it could glorify Christ more. Suffering would be a joy, and loss would be a gain, if by it we could add brighter crowns to His head and make Him more glorious in the eyes of men and angels. Yes, He shall reign! Long live the King! All hail to You, King Jesus! Come, you virgin souls who love the Lord, bow at His feet, and scatter the lilies of your love and the roses of your gratitude in His path. “Bring forth the royal diadem and crown Him Lord of all.”

Moreover, our Lord Jesus is King by right of conquest. He has stormed the strongholds of our hearts and captured them. He has defeated the enemies who held us in cruel bondage. In the Red Sea of His own blood, our Redeemer drowned the Pharaoh of our sins! He has freed us from the iron yoke and the heavy curse of the law—shouldn’t the one who liberated us be crowned? We are His inheritance, taken by His sword and bow from the hand of the enemy. Who could ever take His victory from Him? All hail, King Jesus! We gladly submit to Your gentle rule! Reign in our hearts forever, O Prince of Peace.

Morning and Evening - April 27

Public domain content taken from Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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