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April 25


My beloved calls to me, “Arise, my darling. Come away with me, my beautiful one. — Song 2:10 BSB

Lo, I hear the voice of my Beloved! He speaks to me! The earth smiles with fair weather, and He doesn’t want me to be spiritually asleep while nature around me awakens from her winter’s rest. He calls to me, “Rise up!”—and indeed He should, for I’ve spent too much time lying among the ashes of worldliness. He is risen, and I am risen in Him, so why should I cling to the dust? From lower loves, desires, pursuits, and ambitions, I must rise towards Him.

He calls me “My love” and sees me as beautiful! This is all the encouragement I need to rise. If He has lifted me up and thinks me lovely, how can I linger in the dark tents of Kedar, finding company among the world?

He calls me to “Come away!”—to leave behind everything selfish, earthly, and sinful. He calls me out from the religious world that doesn’t know Him and has no understanding of the life of true faith.

The call “Come away” sounds so sweet to my ears—for what is there in this wilderness of vanity and sin to keep me here? Oh, my Lord, how I wish I could come away, but I find myself stuck among the thorns, unable to break free as I desire. If I could, I would have no eyes, ears, or heart for sin!

You call me to Yourself with the words “Come away!”—and what a beautiful call it is. Coming to You is like coming home after exile, reaching safe harbor after a storm, resting after long labor, and fulfilling all my heart’s desires. But Lord, how can a stone rise, or a lump of clay escape from the pit? Oh, raise me up! Draw me, and I will run after You! Only Your grace can accomplish this. Send Your Holy Spirit to ignite sacred love in my heart, and I will keep rising until I leave this life behind and truly come away to be with You!


Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me. — Rev 3:20 BSB

What is your desire tonight? Is it set on heavenly things? Do you long to experience the eternal love of the Father? Do you yearn for close, intimate communion with God? Do you seek to understand the full extent of His love—its heights, depths, lengths, and breadths? If so, you must draw near to Jesus. You must get a clear vision of His preciousness and perfection, seeing Him in His work, His roles, and His very being. Those who truly know Christ are anointed by the Holy Spirit and gain deeper knowledge. Christ is the master key that opens all the chambers of God’s mysteries. No treasure in God’s storehouse will remain closed to the soul that stays near to Jesus.

Are you saying, “Oh, how I wish He would dwell in my heart forever!” Open the door, beloved, and He will come in. He has been knocking for so long, and His purpose is to enter and share fellowship with you. He sups with you because you open your heart, and you sup with Him because He brings the feast. He couldn’t dine with you if your heart remained closed, and you couldn’t dine with Him if He didn’t bring the provision. So fling wide the gates of your soul! He will come with the love you long to feel, the joy you can’t find within yourself, the peace that escapes you. He will bring wine and sweet fruit to refresh your weary spirit, until the only sickness you feel is the overwhelming joy of divine love. Open the door to Him, cast out anything that opposes Him, and give Him the keys to your heart, and He will dwell there forever. What wondrous love, that such a guest would choose to live in such a heart!

Morning and Evening - April 25

Public domain content taken from Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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