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November 30

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves. — Phil 2:3 BSB

When the apostle speaks of “the deep things of God,” he refers to more than deep spiritual truths. There must first be a deep foundation within us—good soil to receive these truths.

Much of our spiritual teaching fails because those we teach are too shallow. Their deeper nature has never been stirred.

The Beatitudes begin at the bottom of things: the poor in spirit, the mourners, the hungry hearts. Suffering is essential to a profound spiritual life. You don’t need to go to a monastery or a leper hospital to find it. The first real opportunity for selflessness will bring the anguish of crucifixion into your life—unless you are of a different race than Adam’s.

Many know little of suffering and death because they’ve never faced them. We need deep convictions. Truth must be a necessity to us, and principles must be part of our very being.

Lord, make me poor in spirit.
Help me to be like You were on earth—always the lowest,
and therefore highly exalted.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - November 30

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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