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May 20
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; — 1 Cor 6:19 BSB
What a privilege it is to consecrate ourselves to God. What a mercy that God would accept us, worthless though we are. What rest and comfort are found in the words, "Not my own." We are no longer responsible for our salvation, burdened by our cares, or obligated to live for ourselves. Instead, we are entirely His—redeemed, owned, saved, loved, and kept in the strong, unchanging arms of His everlasting love.
Oh, the rest from sin, self, and care that true consecration brings! To give Him our weak, flawed lives with all their dangers and helplessness, knowing that He will take them and turn them into something powerful and blessed. In giving all to Him, we gain everything. When we are fully surrendered, He is bound to care for us as His own, for we have placed ourselves in the hands of a loving Father who desires our good even more than we do. All He asks is that we fully submit to Him so He can bless us more freely.