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March 23

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come! — 2 Cor 5:17 BSB

Resurrected, not raised. There’s a profound difference. Human philosophy teaches that we must raise humanity to a higher level. But that’s not the Gospel. The cross teaches that humanity must die, fade out of sight, and then be resurrected—not merely improved or elevated, but born again into a new, supernatural life. Resurrection isn’t an improvement of the old; it’s the emergence of a new creation, lifting us from nothingness into God, making us partakers of His divine nature. It’s an infinite elevation above the highest human achievement. Let us seek nothing less than resurrection life.

I am crucified with Jesus,
And the cross has set me free;
I have risen again with Jesus,
And He lives and reigns in me.
This the story of the Master,
Through the cross He reached the throne,
And like Him, our path to glory
Ever leads through death alone.

Lord, teach me the death-born life. Lord, let me live in the power of Your resurrection!

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - March 23

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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