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January 22

Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him the glory. For the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready. — Rev 19:7 BSB

There’s a danger of becoming too introspective even while preparing for the Lord’s coming. I remember a time when I set aside a month to seek a deeper baptism of the Holy Spirit. But before the month was over, the Lord interrupted my seclusion and sent me out to carry His message to others, and as I went, He met me in service.

There’s a musty, monkish way of seeking a blessing that withdraws from the world, and then there’s a wholesome, practical holiness that finds fellowship with the Lord not only in private prayer but also among sinners and in the duties of daily life.

Preparing for the Lord’s return should involve, first, deep fellowship with Him, allowing Him to cleanse and perfect us. Then, second, it should drive us out of ourselves, living to help others and prepare the world for His appearing.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - January 22

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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