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January 11

Nevertheless, hold fast to what you have until I come. — Rev 2:25 BSB

The other day, we asked a Hebrew friend why his people were so successful in acquiring wealth. He replied, "We don’t make more money than others, but we keep more." Beloved, let’s be mindful today of spiritual pickpockets and spiritual leaks. Let’s not lose what we’ve gained but receive a full reward. As each day passes, let’s store away its treasures of grace and victory in the eternal bank of heaven, adding something real and everlasting to our spiritual fortune.

It may seem like a little, but if we economize and entrust everything to God, we’ll be amazed, in the end, at how much has accumulated from a well-spent life. And even more so when we see how God has multiplied what we committed to His keeping.

Oh, how precious these golden hours will one day seem! May God help us to make the most of them now.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - January 11

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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