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February 3
By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, without knowing where he was going. — Heb 11:8 BSB
Faith without sight—that’s the essence of true faith. When we can see, it’s no longer faith but reasoning. While crossing the Atlantic, I saw this principle in action. There was no visible path on the sea, no sign of the shore, yet day by day we marked our course on the chart as precisely as if there had been a chalk line on the water. Even when we were still twenty miles from land, we knew exactly where we were, as if we had seen it all along.
How did we know? Every day, the captain used his instruments, looking up to the sky, fixing his course by the sun, not by earthly landmarks. Faith works the same way—it looks up to God’s Sun, trusting in His guidance, even when we can’t see the path ahead. Often, faith seems to lead into uncertainty, darkness, or disaster, but God opens the way, turning those midnight hours into gates of day.
Let us go forth today, not knowing the way, but trusting.