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August 24
Let your gentleness be apparent to all. The Lord is near. — Phil 4:5 BSB
The true test of consecration is our willingness not only to surrender things that are wrong but to surrender our rights and be willing to submit. When God begins to humble a soul, He often asks us to let go of things that seem unimportant in themselves, breaking our pride and teaching us humility.
No Christian worker can be truly used by God until their pride and self-will are broken, and their heart is ready to yield to God’s touch, no matter how it comes or through whom.
Many people want God to lead them but only in their own way. They resist authority or restraint, wanting to dictate how their resources and efforts are used. They will serve as long as they can please themselves, but when pressure comes, they respond not with resignation to God’s will, but with letters of resignation, withdrawing from important responsibilities and stirring up criticism among others who also prefer their own opinions and will.
This attitude destroys true power.