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October 4

The Mighty Magnet

And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw everyone to Myself. — John 12:32 BSB

Come, you who labor for the Lord, take heart. You may worry that you can’t draw a crowd, but try preaching a crucified, risen, and ascended Savior. This is the greatest “draw” ever revealed to humankind. What drew you to Christ but Christ Himself? What keeps drawing you to Him now but His own presence? If you’ve been drawn to Christianity by anything else, you’ll soon be pulled away from it; but Jesus holds onto you and will continue to hold you to the end. Why doubt His power to draw others?

No person is beyond His reach. Old and young, rich and poor, educated and uneducated, sinful or moral—all people will feel His pull. Jesus is the only magnet. Don’t rely on anything else. Music won’t draw people to Jesus, nor will eloquence, logic, rituals, or noise. Jesus Himself must draw people to Himself, and He is more than capable in every situation. Don’t be tempted by the gimmicks of the day. As workers for the Lord, use His method—draw people to Christ by Christ. When you do, Christ will draw them through you.

Faith's Checkbook - October 4

Public domain content taken from Faith's Checkbook by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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