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May 25

God's Treasury

The LORD will open the heavens, His abundant storehouse, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations, but borrow from none. — Deut 28:12 BSB

This promise first refers to rain. The Lord will send it in due season. Rain symbolizes all the heavenly refreshment God is ready to pour out on His people. Oh, how we long for a generous downpour to refresh the Lord’s land!

We sometimes think that only a great prophet like Elijah can open God’s storehouse, but that’s not true. This promise is for all of God’s faithful people, for every single one of them. Believing friend, “the Lord will open His good treasure to you.” You, too, can see heaven opened, reach in, and take out what you need, and even share with those around you. Ask for whatever you will, and as long as you remain in Christ and His words live in you, you won’t be denied.

You haven’t yet experienced the full riches of the Lord’s treasures, but He will reveal them to you. You haven’t fully enjoyed all the riches of His covenant, but He will lead your heart into His love and show you more of Jesus. Only the Lord can do this for you, but here’s His promise. If you listen carefully to His voice and obey His will, the riches of His glory through Christ Jesus will be yours.

Faith's Checkbook - May 25

Public domain content taken from Faith's Checkbook by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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