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August 28

Out of Any Circumstance

But I call to God, and the LORD saves me. — Ps 55:16 BSB

Yes, I must pray, and I will pray. What else can I do? What better could I do? Betrayed, abandoned, grieving, and confused—O Lord, I will call out to You. My Ziklag is burned to the ground, and people are talking about stoning me, but I find strength in the Lord, who will carry me through this trial just like He has through so many others. The Lord will save me; I am sure of it, and I declare my faith.

The Lord, and no one else, will save me. I don’t want any other helper, and I wouldn’t trust in human strength even if I could. I will cry out to Him in the evening, morning, and at noon. I will cry out to no one else, for He is all I need.

I don’t know how He will save me, but I know He will. He will do it in the best and most certain way, and He will do it in the fullest sense possible. Out of this trouble and all future troubles, the great I AM will deliver me, just as surely as He lives. And when death comes, followed by all the mysteries of eternity, this truth will still hold: “the Lord will save me.” This will be my song today. Isn’t it like a ripe apple from the tree of life? I will feast on it. How sweet it is!

Faith's Checkbook - August 28

Public domain content taken from Faith's Checkbook by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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