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September 6

The church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood. — Acts 20:28

Surely He may do what He will with His own. The price He has paid to make them His own is a sufficient guarantee that He will never make light of anything in which their welfare is at all concerned. We are precious to Him by the virtue of the blood which He has shed for us, and for Him to be found at any time wanting in solicitude for our happiness would be for Him to treat that blood of His as the sinners of this world treat it. The persuasion of Christ’s love must be graven in our hearts so deeply that no semblance of indifference on His part will ever make the slightest impression upon us. This is the victory which overcometh the world. — George Bowen.

Daily Quiet Time - September 6

Public domain content taken from Devotional for the Quiet Hour by D.L. Moody.

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