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Saturday, Week 13
In the morning, O LORD, You hear my voice; at daybreak I lay my plea before You and wait in expectation.
— Psalm 5:3 (BSB)
Faith thrives in an atmosphere of prayer.
— E.M. Bounds
O God, our heavenly Father, we bless You for the revealing of Your love which You have given us in Jesus Christ. He has taught us to call You our Father, telling us . . .
that You love us with all a father's tender affection,
that Your care for us is constant, and
that we have all the privileges of children in Your family.
Help us also to be Your faithful children — obedient, trustful, loyal, and true.
We thank You, our Father, for the goodness and mercy of the past night, and for all Your kindness toward us. Give us true gratitude that we may never fail to recognize Your hand in the favors we receive. May Your goodness ever lead us to greater carefulness in living, that we may never grieve You by sin or by unbelief. Help us to keep our hearts ever open to the gentlest influences of Your love.
We would remember before You, all the interests of Your church. Bless all those who have confessed Your name, and give them grace to be true and faithful to You in all their ways. May Your people be led . . .
into holier living,
into deeper experiences of Your love,
into intenser earnestness in Your service,
into fuller consecration.
Give Your church greater power and influence in the world.
We desire that our own household life may become more and more imbued with Your grace. Whatever is not according to Your will, may You help us to bring into full accord. May we be brought very close together in true affection. May we live together sweetly, patiently, unselfishly, and helpfully — so that Jesus would not hesitate to be a guest in our home. We ask all these favors and mercies in Jesus Christ's precious name. Amen.