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Friday, Week 11
Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have relieved my distress; show me grace and hear my prayer.
— Psalm 4:1 (BSB)
Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.
— Saint Augustine
Holy Father, let us, Your children, draw near to You, since we come in the name of Your Son our Savior, who gave Himself for us. Through Him we have access to You. We come to thank You for all Your mercies, for the blessings of this day, and for all its privileges and enjoyments.
Let Your blessing rest upon the work of this day. If we have been faithful in our duties and tasks, may You accept what we have done. Nothing is finished until it has received Your blessing.
We thank You that we have the privilege of making prayers and supplications and intercessions for others. We pray for all our friends. Some of them are growing old. Gently keep the aged people near Yourself. In their feebleness, may You protect them. You have promised to bear and to carry the aged. Fulfill Your promises. Make them useful in their lives as long as they live. Then when their work is done, may You receive them home to Heaven.
Bless any of our friends who are in trouble. Some of them are sick. Comfort the sick. Give them patience and cheerfulness. May they so acquiesce in Your wise providence, that the burden will not be too heavy for them. Sanctify to them their suffering and pain. We pray not merely for their recovery — but that they may come from their sick-rooms with the work of grace wrought in them which You have designed their illness to produce.
Some of our friends are in sorrow. Give them true consolation, and may they be enriched in all grace and in all the elements of a holy Christian character through their affliction. Give us now a night's blessing, in Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen.