Evening Prayer

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Tuesday, Week 8

Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands, without anger or dissension.
— 1 Timothy 2:8 (BSB)

Prayer is as natural an expression of faith as breathing is of life.
— Jonathan Edwards

O God, the Author of our being, and the Preserver of our lives — we come to Your throne of grace this evening to put ourselves into Your care for the night. Bless us and give us Your special peace. Make clean our hearts before You, and take not Your Holy Spirit from us. Lift upon us the light of Your countenance, and grant to us Your salvation .

The evening is here; come, O Jesus, and abide with us. Do not allow us to fall out of Your keeping. Strengthen our faith that it will not fail. May we ever keep our eyes upon You, setting You always before us, so that we shall not lose the way. We are too prone to trust our own desires, and to choose our own ways. Help us always to do the things You approve, so that we shall not sin against You. Keep us from being discouraged and cast down. May we learn to leave all the affairs of our lives in Your hands, and ask You to bring out of all things, what is best for us and for Your glory. Teach us how to commit our way unto You, that You may bring forth our righteousness.

We bring You, one by one, the members of our household. You know each one of us and all our needs. You know the temptations which beset each one of us. They are not the same temptations, though we dwell under the same roof. Suit Your grace to our danger and our need. Reveal Yourself to us always as the Friend we need — with the help we need.

Sanctify all the experiences of the day to us. May our disappointments prove to be Your appointments, and may the way You have led us be indeed the right way. In Your great mercy forgive all our sins, and bring us unto Your heavenly kingdom, through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, Week 8

Public domain content taken from Family Prayers for Thirteen Weeks by J.R. Miller.

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