Morning Prayer

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Tuesday, Week 7

Give us each day our daily bread.
— Luke 11:3 (BSB)

All that God is, and all that God has, are at the disposal of player. Prayer can do anything that God can do, and as God can do anything, prayer is omnipotent.
— R.A. Torrey

Days come and go, our Father, with their change and decay — but You remain ever the same, and Your years have no end. A thousand ages are in Your sight, as but one day. With You there is no yesterday and no tomorrow — but all time is present to You. But in our little lives, we need daily blessing. Our yesterdays cast their shadows upon our todays. We go sadly because of the memories of our past griefs. Then even our tomorrows cast back on our path, the shadows of fear and care.

We are glad that You see and know all, what is gone and what is to come, and that we can so safely leave all in Your hands. Help us to live holily in just this little day that is ours, leaving with You what is past and what is future, and not fretting ourselves. So we ask for quietness and confidence, that we may be true and faithful in all our duties. May Your peace which passes all understanding, keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

We beseech You, O Lord, to give us strength and wisdom for all this day's responsibilities and for all its experiences. Let nothing surprise us or dismay us. Hold our hand at all times, and at all places. Give us wisdom to answer every question and to make every decision in the way that will please You. Make us strong to resist all temptation, however insidiously it may steal upon us. Give us an increasing measure of Your love, to make us . . .
patient toward all people we meet,
sympathetic toward those who are sorrowing,
cheerful toward the discouraged,
helpful toward the weak.

Send us out on Your errands, so that all we do this day shall be work for You. Breathe upon us as we wait here at Your feet and give us a Father's morning blessing. We beseech You to hear us for Jesus' sake. Amen.

Tuesday, Week 7

Public domain content taken from Family Prayers for Thirteen Weeks by J.R. Miller.

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