Morning Prayer

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Saturday, Week 6

He will turn toward the prayer of the destitute; He will not despise their prayer.
— Psalm 102:17 (BSB)

You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed.
— S.D. Gordon

O Lord, You created us in Your own image, that we might be Your true children; we come to You this morning seeking for favor. Whatever hinders our enjoying the full revealing of Your love — will You take away. As the rising sun has driven away the darkness — so may Your love dispel the shadows from our souls. As the light of the morning floods fields and valleys — so may Your grace flow about us. Illumine us with Your holy love.

We have sinned and come short of Your glory. We have dishonored You in our living. We desire to make this the best day we have ever lived. May You give us special grace, a special measure of Your Spirit, that we may keep near to You. Help us to do our common work better, more skillfully, more neatly, more swiftly than ever before. Help us to keep You more in our thoughts as we hurry here and there on our errands of duty. Give us more of the mind of Jesus, that we may be sweet-spirited, and kindly-affectioned. May Your love shine in our faces, so that we shall witness for You in all our walk and conversation. Sanctify our influence with others.

There are many friends who need Your help and blessing this day. There are some to whom duty will be hard because of discouragement. Life is not going smoothly with them. They have had reverses and losses. Remember such and bless them in their disheartenment. Keep them from being too much cast down. Give them courage and hope, and sustain them by Your grace. There are homes in distress because loved ones are sick. Tenderly bless such homes. Spare useful lives if it be Your will. We ask these mercies, sure of Your sympathy, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saturday, Week 6

Public domain content taken from Family Prayers for Thirteen Weeks by J.R. Miller.

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