Morning Prayer

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Wednesday, Week 4

In the morning, O LORD, You hear my voice; at daybreak I lay my plea before You and wait in expectation.
— Psalm 5:3 (BSB)

Private place and plenty of time are the life of prayer.
— E.M. Bounds

It is a great comfort, our Father, to be able always to come to You with our needs. It is a comfort to know that You are really our Father. We know something of what fatherhood means to a child, and it is sweet to know that You are our divine Father, not merely in name — but that all any father can be to a child You are to us, and far more, as divinity is greater than humanity. Help us to know You as our Father, to trust in Your Father-love for us, in Your Father-care.

May you grant us the child-spirit, the spirit of adoption, that we may look up to You and say, "Abba, Father!" May we be obedient children, doing all that You bid us to do. May we honor You as children are taught to honor their parents. May our consecration and our conduct be worthy of You. Let us never do anything that would dishonor You. May your image be printed on our lives so clearly, so brightly — that all who see us shall see Your divine fatherly features shining in us.

Today we ask that as we go out into the world we may go indeed as Your children. We shall need protection. The world is full of dangers, subtle enemies, insidious influences, and crafty evils. We cannot take care of ourselves — so we beg You to take care of us. Hide us away in the secret of Your presence, from the strife of tongues.

We shall need to receive sustaining grace for every step of the way — more grace, grace upon grace. As the flowers cannot live without Heaven's dew, rain, and sunshine — so neither can we live without Your love and strength. Fill us with Your Spirit. Shed abroad Your love in our hearts. Then we shall be able to live lives worthy of Your children. We ask all this in Jesus' precious name. Amen.

Wednesday, Week 4

Public domain content taken from Family Prayers for Thirteen Weeks by J.R. Miller.

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