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September 4

“Do not be dejected and sad–for the joy of the Lord is your strength!” — Neh 8:10

If we would be strong for service, and would do our best always–we must cultivate a joyful spirit. No duty is urged in the Bible more earnestly, than the duty of Christian joy. Of course we must make sure that it is the ‘joy of the Lord’ which we have. We must draw the water of our gladness–out of the wells of salvation, and not out of the muddy pools of earth! The ‘joy of the Lord’ comes from the heart of Christ. When we have this joy–we are strong; for joy inspires us, fills us with hope and courage. When we can sing at our toil, or in our sorrow–we have the Lord’s strength–and are in no danger of being overcome.

Daily Comfort - September 4

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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