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September 2

“The laborers who carried the loads worked with one hand–and held a weapon with the other hand. Each of the builders had his sword strapped around his waist–while he was working!” — Neh 4:17-18

We should all work on the wall of God’s temple, everyone building near his own door. We should never slacken in our diligence; there is some duty for each moment. But we work amid enemies! On every side are those who oppose us, and are ready to assault us and to stop us in our service. The Christian young man in the store or shop, in the school or college, is constantly exposed to temptation. His companions are not all godly. Some of them will seek to draw him away from Christ. In his own heart, too, there are enemies which resist the good that is striving within him–and seek his destruction! So while he works—he must also be ready any instant to fight.

Every Christian should have his sword girded continually by his side. The Christian’s sword is “the Word of God.” The best preparation, therefore, for meeting the world’s enmity–is to become filled with the Holy Scriptures. There come many occasions through life when a verse quoted will be a sword drawn to smite an enemy. Thus it was that Jesus vanquished the tempter, at each temptation drawing out a Word of God, and with it smiting the adversary!

So we all may learn to fight, building ever on the wall of character, and ever thrusting back the enemy that assails us!

Daily Comfort - September 2

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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