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May 24
Flesh is born of flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit. — John 3:6 BSB
Like produces like. To be born of the Spirit is to receive new life from the Spirit, and this life will resemble the One who gives it. Everyone who is born of God will bear some likeness to God. They will love what God loves and hate what God hates. In some measure, they will reflect God’s character . . .
in holiness,
in unselfishness,
in gentleness,
in patience,
in forgiveness,
in truthfulness,
in love.
If we want to know what God is like, we need only look at Jesus Christ, for He is the image of God. And if we are born again, we will show the same qualities in our lives! These traits may be faint at first, but they will become clearer and more distinct as we grow in grace.
We can tell whether we are truly born again by examining our lives to see if we bear the marks of the Spirit. Do we hate sin? Do we love holiness? Do we treasure the Bible, prayer, and fellowship with other believers?
Paul speaks of this transformation using the image of a seal. All Christians are sealed by the Holy Spirit. A seal leaves its mark on the wax, and so the Holy Spirit imprints His likeness on the hearts of believers. Those who have received the Spirit will reflect His beauty in their lives!