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July 20

Some time later, however, the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land. — 1 Kgs 17:7 BSB

That’s how it always goes with this world’s resources. For a while, they flow full and strong, but then they start to dwindle until they dry up completely. This is true of all earthly joys and comforts. But after the brook dries up, God always has something else prepared. When Elijah’s brook dried up, God said, “Arise, and go to Zarephath.” There, Elijah found new provision.

It must have been a serious test of Elijah’s faith to watch the brook gradually shrink day by day. He may have wondered, “What will I do when the brook is dry?” But we don’t need to think that he worried. He knew that God was providing for him and would have a new supply ready when the old one ended. One morning, there was no more water, and Elijah ate a dry breakfast with just bread and meat. But even then, I believe he didn’t grow anxious. That very day, God told him it was time to move.

The lesson for us is that we should never doubt God’s provision, no matter how low our supply gets. Even when we’re down to the last piece of bread and the last sip of water, and we can’t see where the next meal is coming from, we should take that final bite with thankfulness, trusting that God will provide. It’s enough if the new provision arrives just in time when we need it.

Daily Comfort - July 20

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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