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July 17
No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields a harvest of righteousness and peace to those who have been trained by it. — Heb 12:11 BSB
We’ve all seen Christians who have grown into beautiful souls through suffering.
They’ve lost their worldliness and gained a heavenly perspective.
Pride has given way to humility.
The harshness in their character has softened into gentleness.
The rough edges have been smoothed into graceful beauty.
There are elements of loveliness deep within every life that only pain can bring out. God often disciplines His children to bring out more clearly the reflection of His own image in them.
Yet not all afflictions lead to a harvest of righteousness and peace. Some people suffer and only become more impatient, selfish, and cold. Their troubles harm them.
As I observe people who suffer, I find that in most cases, suffering does not make people better. There are dangerous shoals along the deep waters of affliction, and many lives are shipwrecked in the darkness. In no experience of life do people need wise friends and strong guidance more than in times of trouble.