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August 8

So Hezekiah received the letter from the messengers, read it, and went up to the house of the LORD and spread it out before the LORD. — Isa 37:14 BSB

Hezekiah’s response to his troubles was to lay them in the Lord’s hands. When he was powerless to do anything, he gave the matter over to God. We all have our cares. Sometimes it’s a business dilemma, a temptation, or a combination of burdens that seems too heavy to bear.

What is our duty and privilege? We can take our troubles directly to God. We can cast our burdens on Him. Paul tells us to bring all our anxieties to the Lord, and in return, the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.
Peace, perfect peace, by thronging duties pressed?
To do the will of Jesus, this is rest.

Peace, perfect peace, with sorrows surging ‘round?
On Jesus’ bosom, naught but calm is found.
Peace, perfect peace, with loved ones far away?
In Jesus’ keeping, we are safe and they.

Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing us and ours?
Jesus has vanquished death and all its powers.
It is enough; earth’s struggles soon shall cease,
And Jesus calls us to heaven’s perfect peace.
— Edward Bickersteth

Daily Comfort - August 8

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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