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August 6
But Jesus did not answer a word. So His disciples came and urged Him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.” — Matt 15:23 BSB
Jesus is not so tender-hearted that He can’t bear to see us suffer—especially when suffering is necessary for our growth. He doesn’t immediately lift our burdens when it’s essential for us to carry them longer for our spiritual development. Many people have an overly sentimental view of Christ, imagining that He’s too gentle to allow suffering. However, it’s possible to be too tender toward pain. Parents can sometimes be too indulgently kind toward their children, letting pity guide their actions in ways that do more harm than good.
Christ’s tenderness, however, is always balanced with wisdom. He never makes the mistake of giving in to our requests when it’s better to deny them. He doesn’t give us what we want just because He can’t bear to see us cry. He isn’t so tender-hearted that He spares us the chastisement necessary for our spiritual growth.
Yet, we must remember that His severity comes from love. He was silent with this woman so that He could eventually give her the full, rich blessing she wasn’t ready to receive at first. Christ may seem to deny or ignore us at times, but it’s only to strengthen our faith and ultimately give us His best blessings.