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August 14

Each one helps the other and says to his brother, “Be strong!” — Isa 41:6 BSB

Charles Kingsley said, “We become like God—only as we become of use.” This statement holds more truth than we may initially realize. Every glimpse we get of heaven reveals lives devoted to usefulness and service. In olden times, when angels came to earth, they always came on errands of service to humanity. In the New Testament, we learn that the mission of angels is “to minister to those who will inherit salvation.” Thus, these pure beings of heaven live only to serve.

God Himself, as revealed throughout Scripture, is always shown in the role of a helper and servant. Christ, who is God incarnate, summed up His life with the words, “He went about doing good.” The divine life is expressed through serving and doing good. “God is love,” and love naturally leads to ministering and blessing, even to the point of self-sacrifice.

Daily Comfort - August 14

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.R. Miller.

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