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May 22
I cling to Your testimonies, O LORD; let me not be put to shame. — Ps 119:31 BSB
In whatever stage of spiritual experience you find yourself, it is your wisdom and mercy to hold fast to God’s testimony. Has the Lord just begun a work of grace in your heart? Is He showing you your sin and bringing your past offenses before your eyes, plunging you into deep conviction? Then hold fast to that testimony. Do not let it drive you to despair, nor let it push you toward false confidence, but cling to the testimony that God has implanted in your heart.
Has God brought you to a place of brokenness and repentance, making you cry out from the depths of your heart? Hold fast to that testimony; God will not put you to shame. If the Lord has gone even further, showing you glimpses of His mercy and grace, and giving you some sense of your saving interest in the blood of the Lamb, hold fast to that testimony, too. There will be those who try to push you forward presumptuously, those who try to pull you back into doubt and fear, and those who try to draw you aside into the same vain confidence in which they stand. But it will be your wisdom and mercy to remain steady, holding fast to the testimony that God Himself has revealed to you.
You might ask, “How do I know if I’m holding fast to God’s testimony?” I would ask, what are your heart’s feelings toward it? Do you have godly fear? Holy reverence? Trembling awe? Is your soul exercised? Are you pouring out your heart before God, realizing His presence and trembling lest you offend Him? Do you have any desire after Him? If so, there is reason to believe that God has placed His testimony in your conscience and that you are holding fast to it.
However, if your religion leads to self-righteousness, presumption, false security, and a careless, light spirit, then you are not holding fast to God’s testimony. But if the Lord is showing you His displeasure, if you have grieved Him and feel guilt and trouble in your soul, it will be your wisdom and mercy to accept this correction. As Leviticus 26:41 says, “accept the punishment of your iniquity.” Put your mouth in the dust and confess your vileness. Do not blunt the sword of God’s judgment by turning to presumptuous confidence, but instead receive it, embrace it in your conscience, and cleave to it as the testimony of God Himself. Say, “I have held fast to Your testimonies.” Cleave to whatever God makes known to your conscience—whether it is judgment, mercy, a smile, or a frown. Hold fast to it, for this keeps your soul in a safe and blessed place.