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May 1
For this reason He had to be made like His brothers in every way, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, in order to make atonement for the sins of the people. — Heb 2:17 BSB
God placed the lives of His chosen people in the hands of His beloved Son, just as Jacob entrusted Benjamin to Judah. And just like Judah accepted responsibility for Benjamin, Christ accepted the Church and promised to bring it to God, or bear the blame forever. But how His faithfulness was tested! People tested it, devils tested it, and even God tested it, but Christ’s faithfulness endured through it all. Yet, what burdens He carried! It was as if His very knees, so to speak, buckled under the weight. As poet William Cowper said, “Strength enough, and none to spare!”
He had to bear the curse of the law and the heavy load of our sin. He endured torment, agony of body, and even more so, agony of soul. In the garden, He sweat drops of blood, overwhelmed with sorrow and heaviness. On the cross, He suffered pain, mental anguish, and soul-crushing distress as He remained faithful to God. He could have called for twelve legions of angels to rescue Him, but He didn’t. He stayed faithful, enduring six long hours on the cross, bearing God’s wrath. The most painful moment came when His Father hid His face, causing Jesus to cry out, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” Yet, He held on until His work was complete, and then gave up His spirit. In all things relating to God, He remained faithful.
He is faithful to us as well. Jesus said to the Father, “Of all those You’ve given me, I have lost none—except Judas, the one destined for destruction.” He remained faithful while on earth, and continues to be faithful in heaven. Just as the high priest under the law offered sacrifices and interceded for the people, Jesus offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice on earth and now intercedes for us in heaven.