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July 11
And our hope for you is sure, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you will share in our comfort. — 2 Cor 1:7 BSB
The Lord has chosen the path of sorrow for his redeemed people to walk in. Why? One reason is to wean them from the world; another is to show them the weakness of human strength; and another is to make them experience the liberty and power of true godliness in their hearts. What are we when we face no trials? We are often light, carefree, worldly-minded, and carnal. We might talk about the things of God, but they feel distant. There are no deep, solemn feelings, no tender brokenness, no real contrition, no tears at Jesus’ feet, no embracing of Christ with deep affection.
But when affliction—whether in providence or in grace—brings a person low, when it empties them of pride and brings sorrow into their heart, they realize they need something more than outward religion. They need power—they need the operations of the Holy Spirit in their soul. They want to experience a precious Jesus revealing himself to them in love and sacrifice. They long to see his beautiful face shining upon them with grace, to hear the whispers of his dying love speaking peace into their heart, and to feel the Lord entering their soul in a way he does not reveal himself to the world.
What brings someone to this point? It is not a few dry ideas bouncing around in their mind, like a few drops of oil floating on water. That will never bring the life and power of true godliness into their heart. No, it comes through the experience of trouble. When they are led into the path of affliction, they begin to long for, and eventually taste, the sweetness of genuine godliness, made real in their heart by the power of God.