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January 30

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race set out for us. — Heb 12:1 BSB

Only the saints of God can run this spiritual race, for the ground on which they run is holy, and “no unclean beast” can be found there. Only the redeemed walk upon it, and only those who have been purchased by the blood of Christ can win the prize.

When we first see, by faith, the race set before us, we begin to run, much like Christian in Pilgrim’s Progress running from the City of Destruction. Fear and urgency propel our steps as we run for our lives, just like Lot fleeing to the mountain, or as the prophet describes, fleeing from an earthquake (Zech. 14:5), or as the manslayer fled to the city of refuge from the avenger of blood.

In this spiritual race, there is a stretching forward of our whole being—our hands, feet, and heart—intent on reaching the goal. There is a stretching forth of our understanding to grasp the truth of God, a stretching of our heart’s desires to experience God’s love, to feel acceptance through the blood of Christ, and to have clear assurance that we are on the path of salvation. There is a stretching forth of our soul to receive signs of God’s favor, to walk in His fear, and to enjoy communion with Jesus. We stretch out in prayer, longing for Jesus and the truth, yearning to be sanctified and set free by that truth.

When we speak of running the race, we aren’t referring to any physical movement, as Paul calls “bodily exercise,” but rather an inward movement of the soul—a grace within us that moves forward under the influence of the Holy Spirit. It is a spiritual race, driven by divine power.

Daily Blessings - January 30

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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