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February 3

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise. — Ps 51:17 BSB

The heart that feels the weight of sin, that suffers under temptation, that groans under Satan’s attacks, and that bleeds from the wounds caused by its own wrongdoing is a heart that is broken and contrite. This brokenness and contrition are only felt by a child of God. No matter how hard their heart might seem at times, there will be moments of spiritual renewal. Even when they feel numb to love, mercy, guilt, or misery, there will be times when, unexpectedly, their soul breaks down before the Lord. They will grieve over themselves, turn from the world to seek God’s favor, and cast themselves once again on His undeserved mercy. Tears will flow, sighs will escape their chest, and they will lie humbly at the Savior’s feet. If you have ever experienced this, then you possess something far greater than any spiritual gift; for a broken spirit is a sure sign of salvation, and it is a sacrifice that God will not despise.

Daily Blessings - February 3

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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