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April 9
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. — Matt 5:16 BSB
To glorify God is the highest ambition of the angels. The brightest seraph before the throne has no higher goal, no greater happiness than to bring glory to God’s name. Yet, a poor sinner on earth may glorify God as much, or in some ways even more, than the brightest angel in the courts of eternal bliss. How differently God views things compared to how humans do. What glory does God receive from the victories one country wins over another? Sometimes I think that a poor old man, or a weak, frail woman lying in a humble bed, fighting against sin, self, and Satan, yet looking to the Lord Jesus for strength, brings more glory to God than all the victories of great generals. Their victory over death and hell, though unnoticed by the world and their body laid in a pauper’s grave, brings more glory to God than the great battles of history like Waterloo or Trafalgar.
The parish officers won’t celebrate such a victory. No bells will ring or cannons fire for this humble victory, but the God of heaven and earth may receive more glory from such a despised soul than from all the celebrated generals and admirals who have ever commanded armies or sunk fleets. Truly, the Lord says, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.”
It’s amazing that glory is brought to God by what His people do and suffer on earth. Their weak attempts to believe, to love, to hope in Him, to speak well of His name, and to live a life that reflects His teaching all bring Him honor and praise. How wondrous it is that a poor, insignificant soul, unnoticed by others, should bring glory to the eternal God, before whom the highest angels bow in worship!
What are all the glorious achievements that men take pride in compared to the tribute of glory given to God by His suffering saints? You may feel like one of the poorest, weakest, most unworthy creatures on earth, but if you believe in the Lord Jesus with a living faith, hope in His mercy, love His name, and live a godly, consistent life, you are more privileged than princes and nobles, even more than those with crowns on their heads, because you are bringing glory to God.
It doesn’t matter what your position in life is. Whether you are a servant, master, wife, husband, or child, whether your rank is high or low, you can still bring glory to God. If you are a servant, by your obedience, diligence, and care. If you are a master, by your kindness and generosity toward those who serve you, making their burden lighter. Every Christian can glorify God, even if they seem insignificant in the world’s eyes. God is glorified by those who live in His fear, and often more by the poor than by the rich. In everything, if we live in a way that reflects God’s teaching, we will bring glory to Him.