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April 24

In a little while the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you also will live. — John 14:19 BSB

Communion with Christ is founded on three things: seeing Him by faith, living upon His life, and experiencing His manifested presence. But all these three depend on knowing the power of His resurrection. As the risen Savior, the saints see Him. As the risen Lord, they live by faith in Him. And as the risen Christ, He manifests Himself to them, filling their souls with life and joy. The power of His resurrection is thus revealed to them through their communion with Him.

All the reconciled and justified saints of God are pressing forward to this communion with their risen Head, according to the measure of grace and the life of God in their souls. Though sin may often interrupt and break this communion, the principle remains because it is the very life of the believer. And life belongs to the children of God. You do not need anyone to tell you that Jesus is risen from the dead if He has revealed Himself to your soul. You need no other proof that you are His sheep if you have heard and recognized His voice. You can confidently say, “Jesus is risen, for I have seen Him. Jesus is risen, for I have heard Him. Jesus is risen, for I live upon Him.”

Communion with Jesus is the essence of true religion, and without it, religion is an empty shell. If, without Him, we can do nothing; if He is our life, our risen Head, our Advocate, our Husband, our Friend, and our Brother, then how can we draw life from Him—just as a branch draws sap from the vine—unless we have continual communion with Him on His throne of grace? This is the dividing line between the living and the dead, between the true child of God and the mere professor: the true believer has real union and communion with the risen Jesus, while the other is satisfied with the outward form of godliness. Every quickened soul longs for the power of God, for communion from above, for pardon and peace, for the mercies and grace of Christ. And when the soul has had a glimpse of Christ by faith, a revelation of His Person, work, grace, and glory, nothing else can truly satisfy it. Only the inward communion with Christ—where the soul and the Lord are one—can bring lasting joy, for "he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit."

Daily Blessings - April 24

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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