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February 29
The Wedding Feast
On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and His disciples had also been invited to the wedding. — John 2:1-2 BSB
By attending this wedding feast, Jesus showed His approval, sanctified the occasion, and honored marriage. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible places high value on marriage. God Himself ordained it in Eden, and it is significant that Christ’s first public appearance and His first miracle took place at a wedding, demonstrating His support for this sacred institution.
Young people today need careful guidance and instruction about marriage. The many ill-advised marriages, the alarming number of separations, and the ease with which divorces are granted, often for the smallest reasons, show that marriage is losing its sacredness in society. Jesus should be invited to every wedding, just as He was at Cana. No marriage should be entered into where His presence is not welcome, and His blessing cannot be sought and received.
It’s also worth noting that this was a wedding feast, a joyful celebration, which Jesus attended. His ministry began in a setting of human happiness. We need to remember that Christ is not only a friend for times of sorrow but also for times of joy. Too often, we associate religion only with solemnity, as though it were something reserved for times of grief. But Christ’s presence is just as important in our moments of gladness. He wants to share in our joys as well as our sorrows.
The lesson from Cana’s wedding is that Christ does not frown upon pure and innocent pleasures. Joy and laughter are as much a part of life’s duties as prayer. We should never hesitate to invite Christ into our celebrations and social gatherings. If we cannot invite Him, then something is likely wrong with the event or our hearts.