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February 29

And God put everything under His feet and made Him head over everything for the church, — Eph 1:22 BSB

How vast, how numerous, how complex are the various events and circumstances that the Church of God encounters as she travels toward her heavenly home! Yet if all things, and all people, are under Jesus’ feet, then there is not a single circumstance over which He does not have supreme control. Everything, both in providence and in grace, is subject to His authority. Not a single trial, temptation, affliction, loss, cross, bereavement, vexation, grief, or disappointment exists that is not under Jesus’ sovereign rule.

Jesus has absolute control over all events and circumstances. With infinite knowledge, He sees them; with infinite wisdom, He governs them; and with infinite power, He directs them for our good and His own glory. How much trouble and anxiety we would save ourselves if we could firmly believe and live by this truth! If we could see with the eyes of faith that every enemy, every fear, every difficulty and perplexity, every trial or painful situation, every present or future care is under His feet and subject to His sovereign will, how much of our burden would be lifted!

Daily Wisdom - February 29

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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