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February 22


Yet he steadied his bow, and his strong arms were tempered by the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob, in the name of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel, — Gen 49:24 BSB

The strength that God gives to His people is true strength. It is not merely boasted valor or a fiction that vanishes under pressure. It is real, divine strength. Why was Joseph able to stand firm against temptation? Because God helped him. Without God’s power, we can do nothing. All true strength comes from "the mighty God of Jacob."

Notice how intimately God gives this strength to Joseph: “The arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob.” God is pictured as placing His hands on Joseph’s hands, as a father might teach his child. What a marvelous act of condescension! The Almighty, Omnipotent God stoops down and lays His hands on Joseph’s hands to strengthen him. How wondrous is God’s tender care!

This strength is also covenant strength, as it is attributed to "the mighty God of Jacob." Whenever the Bible refers to “the God of Jacob,” it points to God’s covenant with Jacob. Christians love to meditate on the covenant because all grace, power, blessings, and mercies flow from it. Without the covenant, we would be utterly lost. Every blessing we have, from hope to peace, comes from God’s covenant promises.

Though you may feel as though the archers of the world have wounded and grieved you, your bow remains strong because of God’s strength. Remember to give all the glory to Jacob’s God!


The LORD is slow to anger and great in power; the LORD will by no means leave the guilty unpunished. His path is in the whirlwind and storm, and clouds are the dust beneath His feet. — Nah 1:3 BSB

The Lord is “slow to anger.” When mercy moves, it flies with the speed of winged horses, its wheels glowing with swiftness! But when wrath comes, it moves slowly, for God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. His hand stretches out with mercy, while His sword of justice rests in its sheath, held back by the pierced hand of love that was wounded for our sins.

“The Lord is slow to anger” because He is “great in power.” The greatest display of power is when one has control over themselves. It is true strength when God restrains His own wrath. The fact that God holds back His omnipotence demonstrates even greater power. A person with a strong mind can endure insults without responding, acting only when it is right to do so. The weak react impulsively, but the strong remain unshaken, like a rock against which the waves crash in vain.

God sees His enemies, but He restrains Himself. Were He not so divine, His wrath would have long since fallen, and the world would have been consumed by His fire. But His great power brings mercy instead of destruction.

Beloved reader, what is the state of your heart tonight? Can you say with faith, “My Substitute, You are my Rock and my trust”? If so, do not fear God’s power, for through faith in Christ, you have fled to Him for refuge. God’s power is now your protection, not your terror. Rejoice that the One who is “great in power” is both your Father and your Friend!

Morning and Evening - February 22

Public domain content taken from Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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