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September 27

that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. — Rom 8:21 BSB

Are you above self and self-pleasing in every way? Have you risen above circumstances so that you are not swayed by them? Are you lifted above sickness and the forces of evil that would drag you down? These forces surround us, and if we yield to them, they will quickly overwhelm us. God does not remove sickness or its power to harm, but He lifts us above it.

Are you also above your emotions, feelings, and moods? Can you remain steady, like the stars, through all kinds of weather? A harp will produce sweet music or discord depending on whose hand plays it. If the devil plays the strings, it will create terrible sounds. But when God’s fingers touch the harp, it sings with heavenly melodies.

Are you above human opinions and influences, standing free in the glorious life of Christ?

I am risen with Christ, I am dwelling above;
I am walking with Jesus below,
I am shedding the light of His glory and love
Around me wherever I go.

Days of Heaven Upon Earth - September 27

Public domain content taken from Days of Heaven by A.B. Simpson.

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