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October 16
One with Christ Jesus
In a little while the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you also will live. — John 14:19 BSB
Jesus has made the life of believers as secure as His own. Just as the Head lives, so do the members. If Jesus had not risen from the dead, we would still be dead in our sins; but since He has risen, all believers have risen with Him. His death took away our transgressions and broke the chains that held us under the sentence of death. His resurrection declares our justification, saying, "The Lord has put away your sin; you will not die."
Jesus has made the life of His people as eternal as His own. How could we die as long as He lives, since we are one with Him? Because He will never die again and death no longer has power over Him, we also will never return to the grave of our old sins but will live in newness of life unto the Lord. O believer, when you are under great temptation and fear that you may fall one day, let this reassure you: you will never lose your spiritual life, for it is hidden with Christ in God. You don’t doubt the immortality of your Lord, so don’t think that He will let you die, since you are united with Him. The argument for your life is His life, and since you have no fear of His life ending, rest in your living Lord.